Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Oh, Now That's Just Peachy

A peach cream ale you say?  Sounds like the ideal summer beverage.  And indeed, that theory would prove correct...if only summer would remember that it's supposed to stick around for most of September.

Enough whinging about the weather.  This beer then...is it any good?  Well, allow me to answer that question with a question: do you enjoy beer, peaches, and/or the sensation of being refreshed on a warm evening?  If you answered yes to any of these, then yes, the peach cream ale may well be for you.

...What?  Why are you still here?  I said the beer was good...so just go out and buy it, damn you.  Go on now.

No, goddammit, wrong kind of peach!
Oh, very well, I suppose there are finer points to address.  The Tin Whistle's take on this fruity 650 milliliters of deliciousness is exceptional because the peach flavour appropriately accompanies and enhances the beer flavour, rather than overpowering it.  The latter is a great crime, something many flavoured beers (including the old version of Longwood's Framboise, mind you) are guilty of.  Certainly, it's more than traces or notes of the taste, but it's unmistakably a beer.  It strikes that balance between fruity and fermented rather perfectly.

But, while your mouth may thank you, your nose will applaud you.  This peach cream ale smells fantastic.  Certainly, the peach flavour is more dominant in terms of smell, but somehow it just works.  Beer connoisseurs and philistines (see: non beer drinkers) alike can enjoy the wonderful aroma of Tin Whistle's peach cream ale.

Annnnnnnd...queue the music; time to break it down!

Taste:  Quick!  Someone phone the press...this beer tastes of peaches!  Well, more than that, it tastes of peaches and beer, rather than falling too far in one direction or another, like some breweries tend to do with flavoured beers.

Aroma:  It's like being punched in the face with someone whose fist is composed entirely of peach flesh.

Aftertaste:  You can get a lot of taste from just a little swig.  The rather pleasant flavour will continue to stick around long after you've taken your first sip...though it will be hard to manage the willpower to allow for long durations between drinks. 

Recommended?:  10-4 roger that affirmative!  Not quite the most incredible beer I've had this summer (heck, not even the most incredible summer beer I've had this summer), but it is one of the most surprising.

Verdict:  So...you thought summer was over?  Well, frankly, summer is over when I damn well say it is.  And it's not.  So try this beer today, and give Mother Nature what-for.  

Score:  8 mugs out of 10.

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